The short answer to this question: Magnesium Stearate is perfectly safe in nutritional supplements and has been used for over 70+ YEARS in pills with ZERO toxicity reported. Only tiny amounts are used to hold the ingredients together.
Our products utilize mostly organic ingredients inside vegetable/Kosher capsules. It costs us more to manufacture, but since this is a “family business” and all the products were originally developed for family members and are still used by them daily (mom, dad, uncles, aunts, friends, brothers, sisters, employees, etc., etc.) we want to make sure they are of the highest and SAFEST quality.
=== Longer Answer ===
Stearic acid is a common fatty acid found in significant amounts in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, butter, grains, and milk products. Some websites have misleading information regarding the safety of magnesium stearate. Some of these sites claim magnesium stearate, even in as small an amount as a few milligrams. as found in dietary supplement capsules, is dangerous.
There is no evidence this is true, particularly the tiny amounts found in supplements. I am not aware of any human studies that show MS, in the small amounts found in capsules, has any side effects or causes any harm. There is no evidence that small amounts of stearic acid are harmful.
We believe there is misinformation on web sites that claim this substance is harmful. Much of this mis-information is posted by companies who are trying to differentiate themselves from other vitamin companies by providing products that are free of mag stearate, perhaps because they are not able to compete solely on the actual effectiveness of their products.
If anyone tells you magnesium stearate in the extremely small amounts found in capsules is harmful, challenge them to provide you with a human study that proves their point -- they will not be able to. For some consumers this whole issue has become almost a psychological obsession going way beyond any logical reasoning.
Some people regularly eat a piece of pie, cookie, or other sweet or junk food, or consume chocolate (which has tons of stearic acid) without any concerns, but get all worked up about insignificant amounts found in capsules. It defies logic.
Most dietary supplement capsules have about 500 mg of herbs or nutrients and perhaps 5 mg or less of magnesium stearate. Since magnesium mineral is part of the overall weight of the molecule, the amount of stearate alone is even less than 10 mg. One kilogram equals 1000 grams, and one gram equals 1000 mg. A few milligrams is an insignificant amount compared to the millions of milligrams of food we consume a day.
Magnesium stearate has been used in supplements and pills for decades and decades, well over 50 years and there have been ZERO problems associated with them. It's just another "the sky is falling" scare tactic.
Any study showing that this substance is "toxic", is doing so when hundreds and thousands of mgs is consumed on a daily bases. Remember, WATER is toxic as well and people HAVE DIED due to "water overdose" ... Something to keep in mind when reading some new "statistic" on the web.
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